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Phone: 685844123
Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

Improve your personal brand

It can often happen to us that we want to express our feelings, an opinion, ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

The 4 keys to being a good leader

After eight training sessions talking about how it should be ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

The voice, a marvel

The voice, one of the key instruments of the body that accompanies us in ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

How to survive the summer nights without air conditioning?

With the onset of summer, the problems of reconciling sleep and ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

The century of the people

In 2006 TIME magazine chose you as ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

The 5 seconds of Youtube

David Ogilvy is one of the fathers of modern advertising. According to historiography ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

Touch the ground with your feet

The Earthing or, doing a quick translation, the terrajar, explains to us the importance ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

How to make a good impression

The days can start very early and end very late, when the ...

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Sergi Font
Posted by Sergi Font

The soft skills that companies demand

The latest report on the state of affairs prepared by Infojobs and ...

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Joan Cama Ribot
Posted by Joan Cama Ribot

Com canviarà el metavers la comunicació tal com la coneixem?

Mark Zuckerberg creu que el Metavers que està desenvolupant la companyia Meta...

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