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Joan Cama
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Phone: 685844123

How to make a good impression

The days can start very early and end very late, when both circumstances match accumulates fatigue and does not allow us to give the best of each person.

We are aware that we need to rest, that we need to find elements of escape and that it is important to manage the work, but we don’t always get it. When we have to make one public intervention and our condition is not the best, we need to work the breath for to be able to convey our message well.

Public communication is very transparent. The audience is able to detect the status physical of the person who is speaking and this circumstance influences the way the message is received. So it’s good to know some two little techniques to be able to make a good impression:

  • Breathe: It is very good to activate ourselves. Usually fatigue is accompanied of a drop in body tension. We activate breathing by taking short breaths and fast (without getting dizzy). This can be done about 10 minutes in advance of an intervention. It will activate the body, but it will also expend more energy, so it is necessary be aware of the duration of the act or intervention to manage ours energy.
  • Position the body well: A good position, open, with the muscles with the Just tension will help maintain the strength of the message. We think especially of the placement of the back, do not let it be bent.

In this way we can manage our energy and convey a good message. But above all we need to pay attention to our body, listen to it and have the ability of finding moments for rest. The body has memory and it is important that it has its own rest periods to be able to rest the muscles and the mind.

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